Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions


1 // Bowl H by Jen Collins and Shay­na Stevenson
2 // Raga Oxford Kimono by Fic­tive Fingers
3 // Lit­tle Bud Vase House by 2of2
4 // Crowned Swan Plat­ter by Ninainvorm
5 // Coin Kosume­pochi by Aiko Fukawa
6 // Break­fast Cook­ies by Baked Ideas (Check out her awe­some Insta­gram!)
7 // Folk­lore Can­is­ter by Dots & Loops

Hap­py Fri­day! I hope you have some fun things in store for this week­end. I’m par­tic­i­pat­ing in Light Grey Art Lab’s upcom­ing exhi­bi­tion, Bow­er Bird, so I’m plan­ning on start­ing a new embroi­dery for that.  The show is based on col­lec­tions, so I’ll be cre­at­ing a piece that revolves around my col­lec­tion of small, quirky ceramics!

And speak­ing of ceram­ics, I received this adorable cre­ation from Il Sung Na on Wednes­day! I’m in love.
