Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions


1. FORESTA Tex­tile by Maria Cristi­na Ballarin
2. Hand Brooch by Jor­dan Grace Jones
3. Leaves Planter by Uni­ver­sal Issac
4. Sleep­ing Light by Fajno Design (see anoth­er image below)
5. Fly­ing Bird Hand­ker­chief by Eliz­a­beth Graeber
6. Pock­et Mir­ror by Matou en Peluche
7. Monarch Envelopes sold by Dots & Loops

Hap­py New Year!! This is my favorite hol­i­day. I love the optimism—even though it’s not real­ly a fresh start, it sure feels like one. I wish you the best for your 2016!

And, here’s anoth­er view of the awe­some eye­lash lights. I want them above my bed:
