
I’m a doodle addict: OKAT shares Doodlers Anonymous postcards


I’m out of town for the week, and I have some bloggy/illustrators/art friends fill­ing in for me! Today, OKAT of Doo­dlers Anony­mous is here to share.

Are you famil­iar with the illus­tra­tion blog Doo­dlers Anony­mous? If not, you should — it is a site ded­i­cat­ed to cel­e­brat­ing the addic­tion of doo­dling. I am always draw­ing on notes, phone mes­sages, things that aren’t mine. The DA com­mu­ni­ty is made up of like-mind­ed folks!

OKAT is the brains behind Doo­dlers Anony­mous. In addi­tion to being the founder and edi­tor, he is also an illus­tra­tor and design­er. Fol­low him on Insta­gram!

Now, let’s go to OKAT


One of my favorite perks of run­ning Doo­dlers Anony­mous (for the past 5 years) is the mail I receive– the tan­gi­ble, old-school, mail­box kind.

I don’t remem­ber exact­ly when it start­ed, but a while back we start­ed slip­ping a sur­prise blank DA post­card in with pur­chased orders. The post­card, which reads “Hel­lo, my name is ___________, and I am a doo­dle addict,” comes with sim­ple instruc­tions to draw it up and mail it back.

The range of styles and medi­ums and the sheer tal­ent of our com­mu­ni­ty is jaw drop­ping. But I also love the tac­til­i­ty of the post­cards — how the jour­ney is embed­ded in them like fin­ger­prints, how they are often worn and weary from their trav­els across the globe, and how the inter­na­tion­al stamps add character.

We’ve received so many over the years, but except for glimpses on our Face­book page, have nev­er offi­cial­ly shared them on our web­site. I picked some of my favorite for the read­ers of Brown Paper Bag. Enjoy them as I have.










