
Jen Collins



Many moons ago, I start­ed this blog. One of the first illus­tra­tors that I fea­tured was Jen Collins, and lat­er that year (2010), I actu­al­ly got to meet her when we were both in New York City. How fun!

Jen is very sweet in per­son (just like her inter­webs pres­ence), and she’s a tal­ent­ed illus­tra­tor. Draw­ing is obvi­ous­ly her strong suit, and her illus­tra­tions take a more fine art approach. Her line work is expres­sive and there is always an evi­dence of her hand. It gives visu­al inter­est to even the most sim­ple of compositions.

All images via her web­site and blog.

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