Paper Craft / Sculpture

Colorful Paper Cacti That Won’t Wilt or Prick You (!!)

Kim Sielbeck paper cacti Kim Sielbeck paper cacti

This past spring, I mar­veled over illus­tra­tor Kim Siel­beck’s tiny paper cac­ti with their bold col­ors and charm­ing pat­terned pots.  So, when I was in the midst of plan­ning Inside / Out­side at Flower Pep­per Gallery, I knew her work would be per­fect for it. I was so hap­py that Kim agreed and cre­at­ed a host of new plants—some large and some small—just for the show.

The pieces seen here are now avail­able through Flower Pep­per Gallery’s web­site. If you’ve been think­ing about buy­ing her work—do it! The cac­ti are even more delight­ful in per­son. And if you’re some­one with a brown thumb, you still reap the ben­e­fits of some green with­out the fear of them wilting.

Kim Sielbeck paper cacti

Kim Sielbeck paper cacti

Kim Sielbeck paper cacti

Kim Sielbeck paper cacti

Kim Sielbeck paper cacti

Kim Sielbeck paper cacti

Kim Sielbeck paper cacti

Kim Sielbeck paper cacti

A pho­to post­ed by Sara Barnes (@brwnpaperbag) on

Kim Sielbeck paper cacti