
Long Form is now LIVE! on eyra illustration gallery


Over the past cou­ple of weeks I’ve men­tioned my online gallery, eyra, is putting on Long Form, its third exhi­bi­tion. I’m hap­py to announce that the show is live TODAY! As in right now. Check it out. Then, check out the shop


Long Form fea­tures illus­tra­tions that are unusu­al­ly long or wide. Illus­tra­tors could inter­pret that how­ev­er they wish, and the results are real­ly amaz­ing. The details that come from the extend­ed for­mat war­rant a care­ful look.

The show fea­tures work from the fol­low­ing illus­tra­tors: Ana BenaroyaAndrea RossiJes­si Noo­nanJohn ChaeKyle Pel­letRand Ren­frowSeo Kim, and Wai Wai Pang

I’m always inter­est­ed in web design and how to cre­ate a dynam­ic envi­ron­ment to show­case illus­tra­tion in an online for­mat. So When you look at images from Long Form online, you can drag thumb­nails of the images to cre­ate your own gallery. You’ll also use your mouse to unfold each image. Here are a few images from the show. But, be sure to check out the rest!

Rand Ren­frow

Seo Kim

John Chae