
Ceramics by Lusesita (Laura Lasheras)

Lusesita - Ceramics

I’m on a ceram­ics kick this week, so why not moar? I recent­ly dis­cov­ered the work of Lau­ra Lasheras, also known as Lus­esi­ta, a Span­ish artist who makes what she calls “util­i­tar­i­an pot­tery,” mean­ing that it has an obvi­ous func­tion. But, of course, just because some­thing is func­tion­al does­n’t mean it’s devoid of look­ing great. Lus­esi­ta does some inter­est­ing things with han­dles and cre­at­ing pots, cups and dish­es that are also characters.

All images via her blog and Face­book. Lusesita - Ceramics Lusesita - Ceramics Lusesita - Ceramics Lusesita - CeramicsLusesita - CeramicsLusesita - Ceramics   Here’s some dec­o­ra­tive ceram­ics that Lus­esi­ta cre­ates. She par­tic­i­pates in gallery shows, and crafts a dif­fer­ent set of work for that. Lusesita - Ceramics Lusesita - Ceramics Lusesita - Ceramics