Embroidery / Sculpture

Bear Skin Rug? Nahhh. How About a Monster Skin Rug?

Joshua Ben Longo

Years ago, on Pin­ter­est, I saw this Mon­ster Skin Rug designed by Joshua Ben Lon­go and fell in love. It’s a clever take on those bear skin rugs you see in the movies, except more fun and a lot less cru­el. They’re made of 50% wool / 50% poly­ester felt scales that are then sewn to a felt sil­hou­ette and stuffed with poly­ester. Plus, they plas­tic teeth!

It turns out Lon­go had been mak­ing the rugs by hand for years, but at a very high cost for the con­sumer. Now, he’s turned to Kick­starter to help with the cost of pro­duc­tion and pro­duce Mon­ster Skin Rug in vol­ume. For $425, you can own this delight­ful piece of decor.

If $425 is out of your price range, Joshua has oth­er mon­ster-relat­ed items you can own. Fin­ger pup­pets, totems, and oth­er soft sculp­tures are all avail­able.

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And, a lit­tle extra. Anoth­er cre­ation by Joshua!