
Masks, Coffins, Castles, And More… Via Pieter Van Eenoge

'Baldwin with the Iron Arm vs. the Bear of Bruges'

Pieter Van Eenoge’s illus­tra­tion’s don’t hold a lot back. Col­or, com­po­si­tion, gen­er­al weird­ness… these seem to have it all. I like strange, and enjoy see­ing a bear wear­ing box­ing gloves and eat­ing a choco­late bar, a house full of fish, and a woman ten­der­ly cradling a gar­den gnome.

Take the time to real­ly delve into Van Eenoge’s work. I don’t think you’ll regret it.

All images via his Flickr.

Hereditary research

Dood van de terrorist

May your 2014 be filled with wonderful surprises!

Autumn flood


I just can't play that hard anymore


Christmas crack-her
