
Catch Me Bloggin’ on Printaholic.com

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Caleb Luke Lin

A cou­ple of months ago, the kind folks at Printaholic.com invit­ed me to guest blog for them. I’ve writ­ten a 2 posts for them about dif­fer­ent design ideas for posters and postcards.

But first, what is Printaholic.com? It’s a site that tests the qual­i­ty of print­ing between major print­ing com­pa­nies. They order every job (busi­ness cards, t‑shirts, and more) and eval­u­ate the results. Print­a­holic then reviews them for their site for all to read.

In addi­tion, they also have How-To’s on their site as well as Design Ideas. There, I wrote about 10 Cool Poster Illus­tra­tions. Below is a snip­pet and a few images from the post. Read the post in its entire­ty here.


When I used to think of a poster, I would instant­ly imag­ine a teenager’s room, walls plas­tered with images of boy bands or the hot actor/actress.

It’s not the most flat­ter­ing asso­ci­a­tion, and as an adult, I see posters don’t have to mean some­thing cheap, tem­po­rary and dis­pos­able (like the Leonar­do Dicaprio poster of my youth).

Instead, artists and illus­tra­tors craft beau­ti­ful works that hap­pen to be in poster form.


Bec­ca Stadtlander
This poster dou­bles as a cal­en­dar for the year. Every flower in the vase cor­re­sponds to its offi­cial birth month.


Poster duo Land­land craft­ed a crus­tacean-themed image, mak­ing it an addi­tion in a kitchen or din­ing area.


Ray­mond Biesinger
A styl­ized depic­tion of female anato­my by Ray­mond Biesinger. It is a 36-point anato­my chart that also has a male poster counterpart.