Illustrated products

Celebrate “Cocktail Hour” with Sarah Ferone’s Illustrated Card Deck

Sarah Ferone Cocktail Hour

You can always use at least one deck of play­ing cards in your home, and illus­tra­tor Sarah Fer­one has cre­at­ed a set that’s a play­ful twist on con­ven­tion. Called Cock­tail Hour, she pays homage to the “craft of the cock­tail” and adorns the cards with fab­u­lous por­traits of peo­ple who hold mud­dlers, mar­ti­ni shak­ers, tiny umbrel­las, and much more.

So, why play­ing cards? For Sarah, she’s always had an affec­tion for these objects. “My love of play­ing cards began in child­hood dur­ing fam­i­ly games of rum­my,” she writes, “and has con­tin­ued to grow while devel­op­ing my own deck, as I learn about their his­to­ry and lis­ten to fam­i­ly and friends’ mem­o­ries of cards games. They have a uni­ver­sal mag­ic that tran­scends dif­fer­ent sto­ries and cultures.”

Cock­tail Hour was fund­ed through Kick­starter and is now for sale on Etsy. (A great stock­ing stuffer, perhaps?)

Sarah Ferone Cocktail Hour

Sarah Ferone Cocktail Hour

Sarah Ferone Cocktail Hour

Sarah Ferone Cocktail Hour

Sarah Ferone Cocktail Hour

Sarah Ferone Cocktail Hour

Sarah Ferone Cocktail Hour

Sarah Ferone Cocktail Hour playing cards