
Wooden People Capture the Imagination of Children

melanie rustonI post­ed about some wood­en peo­ple ear­li­er, so why not more? Melanie Rus­ton is a Bal­ti­more-based artist who’s study­ing to be an art teacher (and about to grad­u­ate!). Her paint­ings are influ­enced by work­ing with chil­dren as a camp coun­selor and an intern; specif­i­cal­ly, them draw­ing from their imag­i­na­tions with­out fear of the final result.

When I paint, I take char­ac­ters from my sketch­book and flesh out their exis­tence in imag­ined stores, where they deal with embar­rass­ment, tri­umph, and rela­tion­ships with oth­ers,” she writes in an artist state­ment. Melanie goes on, stat­ing, “Com­bin­ing a Renais­sance tech­nique with the artis­tic skills of a child, I leave clues for the view­er to solve and under­stand these moments for themselves.”

Fol­low Melanie on Tum­blr.

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Here are some non-wood­en peo­ple, includ­ing a mural!

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