Time Travel Tuesday

Time Travel Tuesday: Tibetan Rugs

Tibetan tiger rug

I have a tiger tat­tooed on my thigh. I’m plan­ning on get­ting anoth­er tiger tat­tooed on my thigh with­in the next cou­ple of years. So, prob­a­bly for this rea­son I feel a spe­cial kin­ship to the tiger. Any­thing tiger-relat­ed imme­di­ate­ly gets my attention.

Cue these 19th-cen­tu­ry Tibetan rugs, which are dif­fer­ent iter­a­tions of a tiger lay­ing down. Some are more real­is­tic than oth­ers, and all are beau­ti­ful in their design and coloring.

Tiger rugs specif­i­cal­ly have a place in the Tibetan rug tra­di­tion. In a reli­gious con­text, they relate to the tiger skin loin cloths seen in paint­ed images of Tibetan Bud­dhist gods. The tiger skin is believe to pro­vid­ed pro­tec­tion to some­one who is med­i­tat­ing. Some rugs have leop­ard spots on them as well, which is a sign of wrath­ful female gods that sport snow leop­ard spot loin cloths.

All images via Gio­van­ni Gar­cia-Fenech’s Flickr. H/T Col­lec­tor’s Dream.

Tibetan tiger rug

Tibetan tiger rug

Tibetan tiger rug

Tibetan tiger rug

Tibetan tiger rug

Tibetan tiger rug