
Wayne White


Con­tin­u­ing a bit of typog­ra­phy on Brown Paper Bag today, I am real­ly enjoy­ing the word paint­ings of Wayne White. Wayne is not new to the art scene, as he’s had a fair­ly long career, start­ing out as an illus­tra­tor in New York City and lat­er becom­ing a design­er for Pee Wee’s Play­house. After mov­ing to Los Ange­les, he con­tin­ued to design sets for TV shows. 

More recent­ly in his work, he has cre­at­ed Word Paint­ings that are, accord­ing to his web­site, “…world paint­ings fea­tur­ing over­sized, three-dimen­sion­al text painstak­ing­ly inte­grat­ed into vin­tage land­scape repro­duc­tions. The mes­sage of the paint­ings is often thought-pro­vok­ing and almost always humor­ous, with Wayne point­ing a fin­ger at van­i­ty, ego, and his mem­o­ries of the South.” 

All images via his web­site.



