

Family Portrait

I had the plea­sure of work­ing with Yehteh (AKA Philipp Dorn­bier­er) on the Píc­co­lo Print Project ear­li­er this year. I’ve admired his illus­tra­tions for a long time.

He is able to trans­late the human form into styl­ized and well-designed illus­tra­tions. For a real­ly long time I paint­ed and drew real­is­ti­cal­ly, because to me, that was a suc­cess­ful work of art. Now, I real­ize that strip­ping an image down to its essence is real­ly dif­fi­cult. You have to under­stand what makes your sub­ject make sense using just a few ele­ments. The details you include have to make sense. It’s some­thing that Yehteh has mastered.

All images via his Flickr.

St.Louis Magazine

St.Louis Magazine

Street-Files Spray

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