
Becky Margraf Explores Felt Faces in a Delightful 100 Day Project

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

I’m envi­ous of those who com­plete 100 day (or longer) projects. Stick­ing with some­thing for more than a week is both impres­sive and pro­vides a valu­able oppor­tu­ni­ty to real­ly explore a theme—to pick it apart, bit by bit, and take it to weird and won­der­ful places. For 76 days (and count­ing!), craft dab­bler and mon­ster enthu­si­ast Becky Mar­graf has cre­at­ed tiny faces out of of felt. Apt­ly-called Felt Faces, she pro­duces a dai­ly por­trait that’s sim­i­lar yet dif­fer­ent; each fol­lows the same square por­trait for­mat and is affixed with the same beady eyes.

Through­out the two-plus months she’s embarked on this project, Becky has cre­at­ed a vari­ety of char­ac­ters. Some are fuzzy, oth­ers scat­tered, and one is a win­dow. Each has its own charms and fits neat­ly into the palm of your hand. Once Felt Faces is com­plete, Becky will sell them through her Etsy shop. But for now, enjoy see­ing them on her Insta­gram!

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf

Felt Face by Becky Margraf