
One Little Pup Is the Best at Celebrating the Spookiest Day of the Year

Stefani Shank dog GIF

The spook­i­est day of the year is upon us, and ani­ma­tor Ste­fanie Shank is here for it. She has cre­at­ed a series of delight­ful dog ani­ma­tions that fea­ture a delight­ful dachs­hund who dress­es in adorably ter­ri­fy­ing cos­tumes, enjoys pump­kin spice lattes, and flings its can­dy with­out a care in the world. Set to music, these live­ly pups march (or hov­er) in place for a mere 10 sec­onds or so, but it’s long enough to put a smile on your face.

Ste­fanie shares her work via Insta­gram, but she also posts these as dog GIFs on her Tum­blr.

Dog gifs by Stefani Shank