
Lisa Smirnova Embroiders a Dynamic Portrait in an Impressionist Style

Lisa Smirnova

Embroi­der­er and illus­tra­tor Lisa Smirno­va fus­es two types of artis­tic styles to cre­ate one visu­al­ly com­pelling tex­tile. The por­trait of this tat­tooed man has an Impres­sion­is­tic-approach to it, with strands of peach, burnt sien­na, and ivory sewn next to one anoth­er to imply a three-dimen­sion­al form. In addi­tion to this style, Lisa uses bold, graph­ic ele­ments in the back­ground that allow the fab­ric to peek through and give us a visu­al reprieve from the dynam­ic and direc­tion­al stitches.

Be sure to fol­low Lisa’s Insta­gram for inspir­ing in-progress work!

Lisa Smirnova

Lisa Smirnova




Here’s anoth­er love­ly project that Lisa com­plet­ed. It’s a lush, col­or­ful embroi­dered pillow!

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset
